
We start with only one forum in english. More forums will be created in future if needed.
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Inscription : 01 oct. 2005, 18:24
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Message par admin »

Hi - would the TS you had in the TS-House lately not Lorena?
look in the gallery:

http://www.trans-girls.com/modules.php? ... _album.php

or search for "Lorena"

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Inscription : 21 sept. 2002, 19:05

Message par rossi30 »

Hi Admin,
It's scary... Yes, according to the tatoos (both the ying-yang and the butterfly), it is Lorena (maybe I misunderstood when I heard her say "Roberta", or maybe they like to change names...).
However, I would not have recognized her from the photos. The face seems different. The hair has been dyed a reddish blonde color and is straighter. And she has put on weight. Maybe all the röschti, fondue and chocolate ;-)
I would still recommend Lorena/Roberta as she is passionate andtakes her time (even though she is a little masculine when you look really closely). The venezualans are lovely to look at but I have not yet met one that can equal a Brazilian sex wise.
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Site Admin
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Inscription : 01 oct. 2005, 18:24
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Message par admin »

So the pix are not anymore up to date.
It rang a bell somewhere when I read about the ying-yang tatto in your review.

(LOL - I just re-read my first post, and the text is simply awful - misplaced words, wrond syntax... what do you think of me now ?? hehe)
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Inscription : 21 sept. 2002, 19:05

Message par rossi30 »

Hey, no problem. Everyone has to start somewhere!!
In any case, any of the "mistakes" observed at the beginning have more than been balanced out by the overall quality of this site (even though it is not easy for non native (and bad) german speakers like me to make out all of it ;-)
Maybe nect time I see Roberta/Lorena, I'll try to persuade her to let me take her picture.