Hi All.
First let me say great site admin.. never thought i'd find anything like this where i can talk to people who feel the same as i do, i thought it was just me with a weird fetish that has suddenly crepped up on me in my mid 30's.
Let me tell you my story.
It all started last year at work as a joke..somebody asked me to copy and paste the boss's head on to a shemale body, so i was up for it, game for a laugh.
But after surfing the net looking at these beautiful women who had dicks i found myself fantasizing and masterbating about them.. i thought i was going through a mid life crisis or something and it was disturbing me because i'm not gay and don't fancy men at all.
I started dropping hints to friends and they just took the piss.. but i knew i was on my own with this one and didn't know what to do about it.
Well i'm at the stage where i'm booking a few weeks in Bangkok at the end of the year, i can't wait to get my hands on some of those ladyboys.. but knowing my luck some fucker who knows me will be there
This site has made me feel so much better about myself, knowing i'm not a weirdo and i'm not alone and it's given me a lot more confidence.. thx guy's.
Any imfo you can give to a first timer will be appreciated.
Hopefully i'll have alot of photo's to share with you when i get back from Bangkok.
Be safe.. Mask